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Minggu, 20 November 2011

sodium silicate PT Ajidharmamas Tritunggal Sakti

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ATS waterglass in drum
Sodium silicate is the common name for a compound sodium metasilicate, Na2SiO3, also known as water glass or liquid glass. It is available in aqueous solution and in solid form and is used in cements, passive fire protection, refractories, textile and lumber processing, and automobiles. Sodium carbonate and silicon dioxide react when molten to form sodium silicate and carbon dioxide:
Na2CO3 + SiO2 → Na2SiO3 + CO2
Anhydrous sodium silicate contains a chain polymeric anion composed of corner shared {SiO4} tetrahedral, and not a discrete SiO3 ion. In addition to the anhydrous form, there are hydrates with the formula Na2SiO3·nH2O (where n = 5, 6, 8, 9) which contain the discrete, approximately tetrahedral anion SiO2(OH)2 with water of hydration. For example, the commercially available sodium silicate pentahydrate Na2SiO3·5H2O is formulated as Na2SiO2(OH)2·4H2O and the nonahydrate Na2SiO3·9H2O is formulated as Na2SiO2(OH)2·8H2O.
In industry, the different grades of sodium silicate are characterized by their SiO2:Na2O ratio, which can vary between 2:1 and 3.75:1. Grades with this ratio below 2.85:1 are termed ‘alkaline’. Those with a higher SiO2:Na2O ratio are described as ‘neutral’.


Water Glass was defined in Von Wagner’s Manual of Chemical Technology (1892 translation) as any of the soluble alkaline silicates, first observed by Van Helmont in 1640 as a fluid substance made by melting sand with excess alkali. Glauber made what he termed “fluid silica” in 1648 from potash and silica. Von Fuchs, in 1825, obtained what is now known as water glass by treating silicic acid with an alkali, the result being soluble in water, “but not affected by atmospheric changes”. Von Wagner distinguished soda, potash, double(soda and potash), and fixin as types of water glass. The fixing type was “a mixture of silica well saturated with potash water glass and a sodium silicate” used to stabilize inorganic water color pigments on cement work for outdoor signs and murals.


Sodium silicate is a white powder that is readily soluble in water, producing an alkaline solution. It is one of a number of related compounds which include sodium orthosilicate, Na4SiO4, sodium pyrosilicate, Na6Si2O7, and others. All are glassy, colourless and dissolve in water.
Sodium silicate is stable in neutral and alkaline solutions. In acidic solutions, the silicate ion reacts with hydrogen ions to form silicic acid, which when heated and roasted forms silica gel, a hard, glassy substance.

CAS registry number and EINECS number

Each and every substance has its own unique CAS registry number and EINECS number. The CAS No. and EINECS No. of sodium silicate and other related substances are:
Substance Name CAS# EC#(EINECS No.)
Silicic acid, sodium salt 1344-09-8 239-981-7
disodium metasilicate 6834-92-0 229-912-9
Sodium silicate 15859-24-2 215-687-4


Metal repair

Sodium silicate is used, along with magnesium silicate, in muffler repair and fitting paste. When dissolved in water, both sodium silicate, and magnesium silicate form a thick paste that is easy to apply. When the exhaust system of an internal combustion engine heats up to its operating temperature, the heat drives out all of the excess water from the paste. The silicate compounds that are left over have glass-like properties, making a temporary, brittle repair.

Automotive repair

Sodium silicate can be used to seal leaks at the head gasket. A common use is when an aluminum alloy cylinder head engine is left sitting for extended periods or the coolant is not changed at proper intervals, electrolysis can “eat out” sections of the head causing the gasket to fail.
Rather than remove the cylinder head, “liquid glass” is poured into the radiator and allowed to circulate. The waterglass is injected via the radiator water into the hotspot at the engine. This technique works because at 100-105 °C the sodium silicate loses water molecules to form a very powerful sealant that will not re-melt below 810 °C.
A sodium silicate repair of a leaking head gasket can hold for up to two years and even longer in some cases. The effect will be almost instant, and steam from the radiator water will stop coming out the exhaust within minutes of application. This repair only works with water-to-cylinder or water-to-air applications and where the sodium silicate reaches the “conversion” temperature of 100-105 °C.


Sodium silicate flocculant properties are also used to clarify wine and beer by precipitating colloidal particles. But as a clearing agent sodium silicate (water glass) is sometimes confused with isinglass (a form of gelatin prepared from collagen extracted from the dried swim bladders of sturgeon and other fishes). Eggs preserved in a bucket of waterglass gel, and their shells, are sometimes also used (baked and crushed) to clear wine.

Car engine disablement

Sodium silicate solution is used to inexpensively, quickly, and permanently disable automobile engines. Running an engine with about 2 liters of a sodium silicate solution instead of motor oil causes the solution to precipitate, catastrophically damaging the engine’s bearings and pistons within a few minutes. In the United States, this procedure was required by the Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS) program.


One common example of its use as a paper cement was for producing paper cartridges for black powder revolvers produced by Colt’s Manufacturing Company during the period from 1851 until 1873, especially during the American Civil War. Sodium silicate was used to seal combustible nitrated paper together to form a conical paper cartridge to hold the black powder, as well as to cement the lead ball or conical bullet into the open end of the paper cartridge. Such sodium silicate cemented paper cartridges were inserted into the cylinders of revolvers, thereby speeding the reloading of cap and ball black powder revolvers. This use largely ended with the introduction of Colt revolvers employing brass-cased cartridges starting in 1873.
When used as a paper cement, the tendency is for the sodium silicate joint eventually to crack within a few years, at which point it no longer holds the paper surfaces cemented together.


Sodium silicate gel is also used as a substrate for algal growth in aquaculture hatcheries.

Food preservation

Sodium silicate was also used as an egg preservation agent in the early 20th century with large success. When fresh eggs are immersed in it, bacteria which cause the eggs to spoil are kept out and water is kept in. Eggs can be kept fresh using this method for up to nine months. When boiling eggs preserved this way, it is well advised to pin-prick the egg to allow steam to escape because the shell is no longer porous.

Drilling fluids

Sodium silicate is frequently used in drilling fluids to stabilize borehole wells and to avoid the collapse of bore walls. It is particularly useful when drill holes pass through argillaceous formations containing swelling clay minerals such as smectite or montmorillonite.

Concrete and general masonry treatment

Concrete treated with a sodium silicate solution helps to significantly reduce porosity in most masonry products such as concrete, stucco, plasters. A chemical reaction occurs with the excess Ca(OH)2 (portlandite) present in the concrete that permanently binds the silicates with the surface making them far more wearable and water repellent. It is generally advised to apply this treatment only after the initial cure has taken place (7 days or so depending on conditions). These coatings are known as silicate mineral

Kamis, 10 November 2011

PT Ajidharmamas Tritunggal Sakti Produsen Sodium Silicate Terima Penghargaan Primaniyarta Tahun 2011 Kategori UKM Eksport

PT Ajidharmamas Tritunggal Sakti (ATS) berhasil menjadi salah satu penerima penghargaan Primaniyarta Tahun 2011  untuk Kategori   UKM Eksport  yang diadakan Direktorat Jenderal Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional Kementerian Perdagangan RI.
Pengumuman tentang hal ini telah diumumkan pada Senin (10/10) lalu. Dan penyerahan penghargaannya sudah dilakukan pada Rabu (19/10) di Hall D2, Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Kemayoran, Jakarta yang dihadiri oleh Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia, Bp. Gita Wirya Menteri Perdagangan, Ibu Marie Elka Pangestu Menteri Pariwisata & Ekonomi Kreatif serta Gubernur DKI Fauzi Bowo.
Piala serta Penghargaan Primaniyarta 2011 diberikan langsung oleh Wakil Presiden RI, Bp. Prof. Dr. Boediono, M.Ec. Bersama PT. ATS, ada 8 nama perusahaan lainnya yang juga menerima penghargaan serupa. Selain itu ada pula penghargaan Primaniyarta yang diterima  13 perusahaan untuk kategori Ekspor Berkinerja, 6 perusahaan untuk kategori Pembangunan Merek Global, dan 3 perusahaan untuk kategori Pelaku Ekspor Ekonomi Kreatif.
Tentang penghargaan yang diterima PT ATS itu, Adjie Susanto selaku Direktur Utama di perusahaan tersebut  mengaku sangat bangga.  Penghargaan ini menurutnya,  akan menjadi penambah semangat bagi PT Ajidharmamas untuk terus berkarya lebih baik lagi bagi negeri ini. Selain itu, berupaya terus membantu pemerintah mengurangi pengangguran dan mendatangkan devisa.
General Manager PT Ajidharmamas Tritunggal Sakti, Satyawati Susanto yang  memimpin tim dalam persiapan perusahaan menghadapi Primaniyarta, bahwa penghargaan Primaniyarta Award 2011 ini adalah bukti bahwa produk Indonesia mempunyai standar yang unggul dan bersaing di kancah Internasional. Ayo semua produsen-produsen Indonesia bangkit dan semangat untuk meningkatkan standar mutu produk, berinovasi, berdaya saing untuk meraih kepercayaan pasar global.
Kemudian yang paling penting, penghargaan ini bagi Satyawati merupakan hadiah yang terindah dari Tuhan Yang Maha Esa kepada perusahaan ATS.  “Selain itu,  penghargaan ini menjadi kebanggaan yang luar biasa bagi tim penjualan ekspor dan tim pabrik ATS, karena mendapat apresiasi dari Kementerian Perdagangan untuk predikat Jadilah Andalan Bangsa dengan Export,” tambah perempuan yang berpenampilan bersahaja ini.
Meski begitu, Satyawati tidak cukup puas hanya dengan penghargaan tersebut.
Pastinya ini juga menjadi tantangan ke depan untuk terus meningkatkan kinerja penjualan yang berkelanjutan dan bagaimana terus memberikan nilai tambah (value) bagi customer ATS yang ada di pasar internasional. Dan mencari inovasi serta efisiensi untuk terus bertumbuh dalam menghadapi kompetisi.
Mengenai kesuksesan yang telah dicapai ATS, Satyawati menganggap kesuksesan terjadi karena adanya kekuatan tim yang dimilikinya. Visi ATS adalah menjadi produsen terbaik di dunia dengan komitmen Memberikan Keamanan, Kualitas dan Nilai Tambah bagi Pelanggan.
“Dengan dasar inilah tim melakukan pelaksanaan sesuai manajemen ISO 9001:2008, penerapan sistem standar SNI No. 06-0127-1987 menjunjung tinggi faktor lingkungan yang aman, mengikuti arahan pemerintah dengan Amdal No. 358-361/ LU-AKA/X/2010 Continuous Improvement dengan pola Kaizen, program 5 R (Rapi, Resik, Ringkas, Rajin, Rawat), focus pada safety dengan program K3 (Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja) baik bagi karyawan maupun pelanggan, tim bertumbuh dengan baik dan lebih baik setiap hari,” jelas Satyawati.
Kembali Satyawati mengatakan, pihaknya akan terus berupaya menjadi produsen Sodium Silicate terbaik di dunia dengan meningkatkan efisiensi menjadi cost leader serta inovasi, dimana ATS dapat memberikan nilai tambah bagi pelanggannya. Dengan begitu prestasi dan kepercayaan bisa terus ditingkatkan.
Sebagai tambahan, ATS selama ini mengekspor produk Sodium Silicate yang merupakan bahan baku pendukung industri detergent, textile/batik, kertas, keramik, konstruksi, kawat las dan prosesing kimia lainnya.
Sodium Silicate hingga sekarang sudah diekspor ke sejumlah negara, yaitu Malaysia, Philipina, Thailand, Singapura, Vietnam, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Madagaskar, Sudan, Bangladesh, Switzerland, Pakistan dan Jepang.
Terima SNI Award 2009
PT ATS yang berdiri sejak 1991 dan menjadi salah satu anak perusahaan PT Union Ajidharma itu bukan hanya kali ini saja menerima penghargaan. Perusahaan yang beroperasi di Gunung Putri Bogor Jawa Barat ini, di 2009 lalu pernah mendapat penghargaan SNI Award 2009 untuk Kategori Perusahaan Menengah Barang. Pemberian penghargaan ini diadakan oleh Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN).
Piagam dan sertifikat Penghargaan SNI Award  2009 diserahkan  langsung oleh Menteri Riset dan Teknologi waktu itu, Bapak Suharna Surapranata, kepada General Manager PT ATS Satyawati Susanto.
SNI Award merupakan apresiasi terhadap perusahaan yang konsisten menerapkan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) dan peduli pada pengembangan standar serta mempunyai kinerja baik.